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Increase in tourism

Very comforting data arrive regarding the increase in tourism in Tunisia, these are the numbers declared by the Tunisian national tourism office (ONTT). The stats

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El Jem and its Roman cultural heritage

A thousand-year history and a Roman amphitheater surrounded by museums-a cultural gem in the heart of Tunisia. Mosaics, ancient fighting and new festivals in a land that was lush in Roman times-a veritable garden where wealthy families built villas that flaunted not only their opulence but also their beliefs.

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Trains to Tozeur

Fascinated by the notes sung by Alice and Battiato, surely there will be something in Tozeur that will capture our hearts. A retro journey, where history and nature bewitch travelers, among mirages and dates of one of the first oases of the Sahara.

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Tunisia is a presidential republic

On July 25, 2022, Tunisia voted by referendum for a change of governmental system from a republic with an Italian-style parliamentary system (semi-presidential), to a hyper-presidential republic, where power and state policies are centralized in the hands of the leader.

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From Tunis to Hammamet

Our tips on how to reach Hammamet from Tunis. From Tunis to Hammamet, by car, there is little more than 65 kilometers to travel on the beautiful A1 , the highway that runs from Cairo, the capital of Egypt, skirting the entire North African coast to Dakar, the capital of Senegal.

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