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Coliseum twinning – El Jem

Twinning project between Italy and Tunisia for a twinning project between the Coliseum and El Jem

A cooperation agreement for a Colosseum – El Jem twinning work plan was signed in Tunis between the Tunisian National Institute of Heritage (Inp), the Agency for Heritage Enhancement and Cultural Promotion and the Archaeological Park of Colosseum.

The proposal follows the meeting between the interim President of the Republic of Tunisia, Mohamed Ennaceur, and the director of the Colosseum Archaeological Park, Alfonsina Russo, together with the Minister of Cultural Affairs Mohamed Zine el Abidine, at the Carthage palace.

In a note from the Tunisian presidency it is specified that the meeting was dedicated to Italy-Tunisia cultural cooperation and Tunisia’s participation in the exhibition ‘Cartagho, the Immortal Myth’, at the Colosseum.

Ennaceur said that it is necessary to strengthen international cultural cooperation. Indeed, he hailed Italy’s contribution to the improvement of historical monuments in Tunisia. The president also underlined the importance of drawing on the legacy of Tunisian heritage, as a pillar of economic development and foundation of cultural tourism.

“The new exhibition that we will organize in El Jem will be only one of the three building blocks on which the collaboration will be based – remarked Ben Moussa – The support of the Italian delegation of the Park will be very important, which will give to the restoration of the mosaics of the site and to the training of our archaeologists their all the Italian know-how and technical innovations in the field”.


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